About the LVR
The Lachlan Valley Railway is a not-for-profit organisation established in 1974 for the purpose of collecting, preserving and presenting the railway heritage of NSW based in the New South Wales central west of Cowra (Approx 308km from Sydney).
The LVR was initially formed to preserve locomotive 5917 and other rolling-stock. It soon acquired other locomotives and began operating rail tours from a siding in West Ryde (Sydney).
On the 18th June 1977, the society moved its base to the 1923 built Cowra roundhouse. Initially allocated a couple of roads, in 1985 the socitey took over the entire facility where it is now known as the Cowra Rail Heritage Centre.
Today the LVR operates a wide range of rail journeys featuring NSW's most beloved heritage trains ranging from Steam, Diesel and Vintage Railmotors right across regional NSW.